Our group coaching brings like-minded individuals together, learning from one another, encouraging knowledge, and sharing experiences to support spiritual growth.
These groups are designed to enhance what you are learning during your one- on- one about the level of the spiritual journey. It allows the student to carve time out of their day to simply focus on God, self, learning, sharing, and reflecting.
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as you are doing."
1 Thessalonians 5:11
*includes events from Healing & Recovery Journey with God as well as other monthly events*
2021's topic: Fruits of the Spirit Series
2022's topic: Creation Series
2023's topic: Names of God Series
2024's topic: Animals Series
2025: WORSHIP! 😁
Listen to our discussion on how the Lord led us to this topic!
Watch our special live!
We'll add you to our email list and send you our next Spiritual Wellness Wednesday, upcoming Group- Coaching Events, and monthly blogs boosting your Spiritual Journey in Christ!
As our individual coaching services are apart of the Healing and Recovery with God, so are our group- coaching services! It dives deeper and allows us to get to the root of the problem, providing freedom and wholeness with God!
Each Spiritual Foundation Coaching individual coaching level is accompanied by an event!
(1) Transformational Power of Spirituality: Intro to Spirituality. Meeting God
(2) Soul Care: Healing & Discovering who God says we are
(3) Process of Refinement: Extreme change occurs. How do we handle this new life?
(4) Process of Purification: We are fully committed to God. Fasting. Baptism
(5) Spiritual Leadership: Take Flight! Discipleship!
This is the first level of the Healing & Recovery Journey with God. It is the introduction to the spiritual journey.
Searching for God after a long time can be a difficult journey. Questions may swarm our minds such as, "How do I get started?" This group- coaching event is an Introduction to the Spiritual Journey. It tackles the questions, "What is spirituality?" and "Why is it important?"
We focus on understanding inner healing, the way to healing, getting to the root of the issues, and uncovering deep wounds and false belief systems that influence unhealthy life foundations. We dive into your story and seek the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide you through the hurt leading to breakthrough and deliverance. The student will begin to reduce the negative emotional burden to feel love, peace, confidence, hope, and peace to change their life.
"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
~ Jesus to His disciples in Matthew 17:20
Next Event Date: To Be Determined
Price for this event may vary.
(click image to request coaching and receive more information about starting your own Healing & Recovery Journey with God!)
This core, annual event is the second level of the Healing & Recovery Journey with God. During this retreat, we focus on the Principles of a Healthy Soul.Soul Care aims to identify deep wounds that have affected our lives in major ways. We seek healing for the hurting soul as well as deliverance from spiritual strongholds, receiving the full measure of the healing Jesus provides.
We are limited by our past wounds, and our current behaviors are a reflection of what we are holding on to. We must dig deeper and pull out the roots of what is damaging our lives, and renew our faulty thinking.
Last Event Date: July 22, 2023
Interested in starting your own Healing & Recovery Journey with God?
Click on the event image to email us!
We have just finished the Soul Care part of the Healing & Recovery Journey with God! What's Next?
Now, we are in The Process of Refinement part of the Healing & Recovery with God where we are being made more like Jesus every moment. We have been justified and healed. It is now time to go deeper and be sanctified.
"He saved us and called us to a holy life- not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time."
2 Timothy 1:9
The Process of Refinement is a group- coaching event that dives into the new life of a transformed Christ- follower. It provides the time and comfortable platform to share the monumental experiences as well as messages received by the Holy Spirit.
We acknowledge the changes occurring, as we are transformed by the healing power of the Holy Spirit, and form a deeper understanding of where victory is found in and through the fire.
After I have experienced layers of Inner Healing through Soul Care, I have found the need to share with like-minded people what my soul has opened to, the voice and message from God, preparing the way to the next level in my life.
This third I will put into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, ‘They are my people,’ and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.’”
Last Event Date: September 2, 2023
Price for this event may vary.
Interested in starting your own Healing & Recovery Journey with God?
Click on the event image to email us!
The Process of Purification is the fourth level of the Healing & Recovery Journey with God!
It is a group- coaching event that focuses on self- examination, Holy- Spirit guidance, ownership, & courage! We are going deeper than we ever have with the Lord- committed to fasting with Him and others. It involves a baptism of the fullness of God.
Coming Soon...
Spiritual Leadership is the fifth and last level of the Healing & Recovery Journey with God. We have met God, healed, transformed, and now we are walking with Him, inviting others on this journey as well!
We are representing God's servant using our spiritual gifts, whether serving, ministry, or at home.
Coming Soon...
Want to know what others who've received coaching are saying? See what the Lord is doing and the experience people have had.
Catch up on our Spiritual Wellness Wednesday meetings here!
We go live for Spiritual Wellness Wednesdays, special occasions, and certain event!
We post encouraging Scriptures, upcoming events and Spiritual Wellness Wednesday! Stay tuned.
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