The Bible ~ John 17:3 NIV
Spiritual Foundation Coaching (SFC, LLC) not only focuses on adults, but also youth & young adults.
More young people are searching for God, seeking Him and desperate for more. This group is ran by the youth coach at SFC and meets weekly for a group Bible study!
"Each week we dive into the Scriptures. New topics, new revelations, and new friends. The more we read God's Word together, the more we know God- and the more we know God, the more we receive His transformational power. We're called ALIVE TO FLOURISH because that's who we are. We are alive in Christ now, truly living. And we are meant to flourish and grow. The Holy Spirit moves in a personal, beautiful way in this group and I can't wait to see what's next!" - A.E, Youth Coach
Interested? Bible Studies are currently held in Seaford, Long Island.
Copyright © 2018 Spiritual Foundation Coach - All Rights Reserved.
At SFC, we have Weekly Spiritual Wellness Wednesday Meets on ZOOM to soak in God's Word as the Body of Christ! 🙏
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